Lecture 1 - Introduction to the Course
Lecture 2 - Basic Material Properties - Stress and Strain Tensor
Lecture 3 - Normal and Shear Stress and Transformation of Axes
Lecture 4 - Transformation of Axes and Principle Stresses
Lecture 5 - True and Engineering Stress and Strain
Lecture 6 - Illustration to True and Engineering Stress and Strain
Lecture 7 - Tensor Notation of Strain
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Elasticity and Elastic Properties
Lecture 9 - Theory of Elasticity
Lecture 10 - Atomic Basis of Elasticity
Lecture 11 - Elasticity of Different Materials, Design of Composites
Lecture 12 - Composites, Anelastic Behaviour
Lecture 13 - Stress-Strain Curve and Anelasticity
Lecture 14 - Mechanism of Anelasticity
Lecture 15 - Relaxation Time and Damping Capacity
Lecture 16 - Plastic Deformation of Materials
Lecture 17 - True and Engineering Stress-Strain Curves
Lecture 18 - Necking Phenomenon During Tension Test
Lecture 19 - Microscopic Mechanism of Plastic Deformation
Lecture 20 - Introduction to Slip
Lecture 21 - Slip Systems
Lecture 22 - Resolved Shear Stress
Lecture 23 - Critical Resolved Shear Stress
Lecture 24 - Theoretical Strength and Role of Dislocations
Lecture 25 - Dislocations and Slip - I
Lecture 26 - Dislocations and Slip - II
Lecture 27 - Dislocations and Peirells Nabarro Stress
Lecture 28 - Dislocation Generation: Frank Read Source
Lecture 29 - Dislocations and Strengthening
Lecture 30 - Strain Hardening
Lecture 31 - Grain Boundary Strengthening
Lecture 32 - Solid Solution Strengthening
Lecture 33 - Precipitation Hardening
Lecture 34 - Electrical Conduction in Metals
Lecture 35 - Free Electron Theory
Lecture 36 - Fermi-Dirac Statistics and Electronic conductivity of Metals
Lecture 37 - Fundamental of Semiconductors
Lecture 38 - Band Theory
Lecture 39 - Intrinsic Semiconductors
Lecture 40 - Extrinsic Semiconductors
Lecture 1 - Introduction to the Course
Lecture 2 - Basic Material Properties - Stress and Strain Tensor
Lecture 3 - Normal and Shear Stress and Transformation of Axes
Lecture 4 - Transformation of Axes and Principle Stresses
Lecture 5 - True and Engineering Stress and Strain
Lecture 6 - Illustration to True and Engineering Stress and Strain
Lecture 7 - Tensor Notation of Strain
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Elasticity and Elastic Properties
Lecture 9 - Theory of Elasticity
Lecture 10 - Atomic Basis of Elasticity
Lecture 11 - Elasticity of Different Materials, Design of Composites
Lecture 12 - Composites, Anelastic Behaviour
Lecture 13 - Stress-Strain Curve and Anelasticity
Lecture 14 - Mechanism of Anelasticity
Lecture 15 - Relaxation Time and Damping Capacity
Lecture 16 - Plastic Deformation of Materials
Lecture 17 - True and Engineering Stress-Strain Curves
Lecture 18 - Necking Phenomenon During Tension Test
Lecture 19 - Microscopic Mechanism of Plastic Deformation
Lecture 20 - Introduction to Slip
Lecture 21 - Slip Systems
Lecture 22 - Resolved Shear Stress
Lecture 23 - Critical Resolved Shear Stress
Lecture 24 - Theoretical Strength and Role of Dislocations
Lecture 25 - Dislocations and Slip - I
Lecture 26 - Dislocations and Slip - II
Lecture 27 - Dislocations and Peirells Nabarro Stress
Lecture 28 - Dislocation Generation: Frank Read Source
Lecture 29 - Dislocations and Strengthening
Lecture 30 - Strain Hardening
Lecture 31 - Grain Boundary Strengthening
Lecture 32 - Solid Solution Strengthening
Lecture 33 - Precipitation Hardening
Lecture 34 - Electrical Conduction in Metals
Lecture 35 - Free Electron Theory
Lecture 36 - Fermi-Dirac Statistics and Electronic conductivity of Metals
Lecture 37 - Fundamental of Semiconductors
Lecture 38 - Band Theory
Lecture 39 - Intrinsic Semiconductors
Lecture 40 - Extrinsic Semiconductors
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Properties of Materials (Nature and Properties of Materials-III)
Lecture 1 - Introduction to the Course