Lecture 1 - Brief Recap of Basic Concepts from Marketing Management 1 - I
Lecture 2 - Brief Recap of Basic Concepts from Marketing Management 1 - II
Lecture 3 - Product - An Important Component of the 4P
Lecture 4 - New Product Development - I
Lecture 5 - New Product Development - II
Lecture 6 - Entreprenuerial Marketing
Lecture 7 - Screening New Product Ideas
Lecture 8 - Diffusion of Innovation
Lecture 9 - Product Life Cycle and Introduction to Strategy
Lecture 10 - Strategy for New Product Introduction - I
Lecture 11 - Strategy for New Product Introduction - II
Lecture 12 - Marketing Strategies for Different Stages in PLC
Lecture 13 - Introduction to Brand, Branding and Brand Equity
Lecture 14 - Strategic Brand Management Process
Lecture 15 - Brand Building - I
Lecture 16 - Brand Building - II
Lecture 17 - Secondary Associations of a Brand and Advantages of Brand
Lecture 18 - Measuring Brand Equity and other Brand Related Constructs
Lecture 19 - Global Dimensions of Brands
Lecture 20 - Brand Message and Advantage of Brand
Lecture 21 - Branding Strategies - I
Lecture 22 - Branding Strategies - II
Lecture 23 - Strategic Brand Management
Lecture 24 - Creating a Powerful Brand
Lecture 25 - Introduction to Pricing
Lecture 26 - Considerations for Setting the Price
Lecture 27 - Determing the Demand and Cost Estimation
Lecture 28 - Cost Estimation and Break Even Analysis
Lecture 29 - Different Methods of Pricing - I
Lecture 30 - Different Methods of Pricing - II
Lecture 31 - Introduction to Distribution
Lecture 32 - Types of Channel and their Dynamics
Lecture 33 - Different Channel Options
Lecture 34 - Integrated Marketing Channel
Lecture 35 - Retailing and Wholesaling - I
Lecture 36 - Retailing and Wholesaling - II
Lecture 37 - Retail Marketing Management
Lecture 38 - Choosing Retail Location and Layout
Lecture 39 - Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
Lecture 40 - Models of Communication
Lecture 41 - Designing and Implementing Marketing Communication
Lecture 42 - Digital Marketing Communication
Lecture 43 - Introduction to Services Marketing
Lecture 44 - Characteristics of Services
Lecture 45 - Failure of Service and Solutions
Lecture 46 - Service Quality
Lecture 47 - Recap of Important Concepts - I
Lecture 48 - Recap of Important Concepts - II
Lecture 1 - Brief Recap of Basic Concepts from Marketing Management 1 - I
Lecture 2 - Brief Recap of Basic Concepts from Marketing Management 1 - II
Lecture 3 - Product - An Important Component of the 4P
Lecture 4 - New Product Development - I
Lecture 5 - New Product Development - II
Lecture 6 - Entreprenuerial Marketing
Lecture 7 - Screening New Product Ideas
Lecture 8 - Diffusion of Innovation
Lecture 9 - Product Life Cycle and Introduction to Strategy
Lecture 10 - Strategy for New Product Introduction - I
Lecture 11 - Strategy for New Product Introduction - II
Lecture 12 - Marketing Strategies for Different Stages in PLC
Lecture 13 - Introduction to Brand, Branding and Brand Equity
Lecture 14 - Strategic Brand Management Process
Lecture 15 - Brand Building - I
Lecture 16 - Brand Building - II
Lecture 17 - Secondary Associations of a Brand and Advantages of Brand
Lecture 18 - Measuring Brand Equity and other Brand Related Constructs
Lecture 19 - Global Dimensions of Brands
Lecture 20 - Brand Message and Advantage of Brand
Lecture 21 - Branding Strategies - I
Lecture 22 - Branding Strategies - II
Lecture 23 - Strategic Brand Management
Lecture 24 - Creating a Powerful Brand
Lecture 25 - Introduction to Pricing
Lecture 26 - Considerations for Setting the Price
Lecture 27 - Determing the Demand and Cost Estimation
Lecture 28 - Cost Estimation and Break Even Analysis
Lecture 29 - Different Methods of Pricing - I
Lecture 30 - Different Methods of Pricing - II
Lecture 31 - Introduction to Distribution
Lecture 32 - Types of Channel and their Dynamics
Lecture 33 - Different Channel Options
Lecture 34 - Integrated Marketing Channel
Lecture 35 - Retailing and Wholesaling - I
Lecture 36 - Retailing and Wholesaling - II
Lecture 37 - Retail Marketing Management
Lecture 38 - Choosing Retail Location and Layout
Lecture 39 - Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
Lecture 40 - Models of Communication
Lecture 41 - Designing and Implementing Marketing Communication
Lecture 42 - Digital Marketing Communication
Lecture 43 - Introduction to Services Marketing
Lecture 44 - Characteristics of Services
Lecture 45 - Failure of Service and Solutions
Lecture 46 - Service Quality
Lecture 47 - Recap of Important Concepts - I
Lecture 48 - Recap of Important Concepts - II
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Marketing Management-II
Lecture 1 - Brief Recap of Basic Concepts from Marketing Management 1 - I