Lecture 1 - Course Introduction
Lecture 2 - Definition and Basic Concepts - I
Lecture 3 - Definition and Basic Concepts - II
Lecture 4 - Definition and Basic Concepts - III
Lecture 5 - Graph
Lecture 6 - Optimization
Lecture 7 - Economic Models - I
Lecture 8 - Economic Models - II
Lecture 9 - Example
Lecture 10 - Branches of Economics
Lecture 11 - Introduction to Demand, Supply and Equilibrium
Lecture 12 - Concept of Marginal Change
Lecture 13 - Demand - I
Lecture 14 - Demand - II
Lecture 15 - Factors Affecting Demand
Lecture 16 - Market Demand
Lecture 17 - Supply
Lecture 18 - Market Supply An Example
Lecture 19 - Factors Affecting Supply
Lecture 20 - Market Equilibrium
Lecture 21 - Changes in Market Equilibrium
Lecture 22 - Consumers Surplus and Producers Surplus
Lecture 23 - Total Surplus
Lecture 24 - Market Interventions
Lecture 25 - Elasticity - I
Lecture 26 - Elasticity - II
Lecture 27 - Elasticity - III
Lecture 28 - Other Elasticities
Lecture 29 - Elasticity One more Example
Lecture 30 - Tax I and Incidence of Tax
Lecture 31 - Incidence of Tax - I
Lecture 32 - Incidence of Tax - II
Lecture 33 - Theory of Consumer Behaviour An Introduction
Lecture 34 - Budget Line
Lecture 35 - Budget Line and Budget Set Some Examples
Lecture 36 - Rationality
Lecture 37 - Utility Function
Lecture 38 - Continuity
Lecture 39 - Nonsatiation
Lecture 40 - Convexity
Lecture 41 - Indifference Curve and MRS
Lecture 42 - Indifference Curve and Example
Lecture 43 - Utility More Examples
Lecture 44 - Consumer Optimization
Lecture 45 - Optimization Some Examples - I
Lecture 46 - Optimization Some Examples - II
Lecture 47 - Optimization Precaution
Lecture 48 - Optimization Economic Interpretation
Lecture 49 - Optimization Summary
Lecture 50 - Income and Price Expansion Path
Lecture 51 - Income and Substitution Effect
Lecture 52 - Income Effect and Substitution Effect (Continued...)
Lecture 53 - Expenditure Minimization
Lecture 54 - Duality
Lecture 55 - Compensated and Uncompensated Demand
Lecture 56 - DBT vs Subsidy
Lecture 57 - Producer Theory An Introduction
Lecture 58 - Types of Firm
Lecture 59 - Technology and Its Representation
Lecture 60 - Average Product and Marginal Product
Lecture 61 - An Example to Demonstrate the Relationship between AP, MP and TP
Lecture 62 - Examples of Production Function
Lecture 63 - Time Constraint and Production Function
Lecture 64 - Returns to Scale
Lecture 65 - Profit Maximization An Introduction
Lecture 66 - Profit Maximization II
Lecture 67 - Profit Maximization Short Run and Long Run
Lecture 68 - Profit Maximization (Continued...)
Lecture 69 - Cost Minimization
Lecture 70 - Cost Minimization Some Examples
Lecture 71 - Returns to Scale and Cost Minimization
Lecture 72 - Cost Minimization Long Run vs Short Run
Lecture 73 - Fixed Cost Quasi Fixed Cost and Variable Cost
Lecture 74 - Cost Curve - I
Lecture 75 - Cost Curve - II
Lecture 76 - Cost Curve - III
Lecture 77 - Cost Curve - IV
Lecture 78 - Market Structure An Introduction
Lecture 79 - Perfect Competition An Introduction
Lecture 80 - Demand Curve Facing the Firm
Lecture 81 - Supply From a Competitive Firm
Lecture 82 - Obtaining Supply Function
Lecture 83 - Profit Function And Producer's Surplus
Lecture 84 - Free Entry and Exit In Perfectly Competitive Market
Lecture 85 - Conditions for Profitability and Production in a Perfectly Competitive Market
Lecture 86 - Long Run Supply Function in a Perfectly Competitive Market
Lecture 87 - A Solved Example: Long Run Supply Function
Lecture 88 - Upward Sloping Supply Function in Long Run
Lecture 89 - Introduction to Monopoly
Lecture 90 - Reasons for Monopoly
Lecture 91 - Profit Maximization by the Monopolist
Lecture 92 - Equilibrium in Monopoly Market
Lecture 93 - A Monopolist doesn't have a supply curve
Lecture 94 - Monopoly Power
Lecture 95 - The Impact of Taxes on a Monopolist
Lecture 96 - A Monopolist with Multiplant
Lecture 97 - A Monopolist in Multimarket
Lecture 98 - Price Discrimination
Lecture 99 - First Degree Price Discrimination
Lecture 100 - Second Degree Price Discrimination
Lecture 101 - Third Degree Price Discrimination
Lecture 102 - Public Policy Towards Monopoly
Lecture 103 - Monopolistic Competition : An Introduction
Lecture 104 - Monopolistic Competition in Short Run and Long Run
Lecture 105 - Monopolistic Competition Vs Perfect Competition in Long Run
Lecture 106 - Product Differentiation
Lecture 107 - Game Theory : An Introduction
Lecture 108 - Nash Equilibrium
Lecture 109 - Matching Pennies
Lecture 110 - Extensive form Game
Lecture 111 - Game Theory Summary
Lecture 112 - Oligopoly An Introduction
Lecture 113 - Duopoly
Lecture 114 - Equilibrium in Cournot Competition
Lecture 115 - Equilibrium in Bertrand Competition
Lecture 116 - Stackelberg Competition
Lecture 117 - Collusion and Cartel
Lecture 118 - Comparison of Different Market Structures
Lecture 1 - Course Introduction
Lecture 2 - Definition and Basic Concepts - I
Lecture 3 - Definition and Basic Concepts - II
Lecture 4 - Definition and Basic Concepts - III
Lecture 5 - Graph
Lecture 6 - Optimization
Lecture 7 - Economic Models - I
Lecture 8 - Economic Models - II
Lecture 9 - Example
Lecture 10 - Branches of Economics
Lecture 11 - Introduction to Demand, Supply and Equilibrium
Lecture 12 - Concept of Marginal Change
Lecture 13 - Demand - I
Lecture 14 - Demand - II
Lecture 15 - Factors Affecting Demand
Lecture 16 - Market Demand
Lecture 17 - Supply
Lecture 18 - Market Supply An Example
Lecture 19 - Factors Affecting Supply
Lecture 20 - Market Equilibrium
Lecture 21 - Changes in Market Equilibrium
Lecture 22 - Consumers Surplus and Producers Surplus
Lecture 23 - Total Surplus
Lecture 24 - Market Interventions
Lecture 25 - Elasticity - I
Lecture 26 - Elasticity - II
Lecture 27 - Elasticity - III
Lecture 28 - Other Elasticities
Lecture 29 - Elasticity One more Example
Lecture 30 - Tax I and Incidence of Tax
Lecture 31 - Incidence of Tax - I
Lecture 32 - Incidence of Tax - II
Lecture 33 - Theory of Consumer Behaviour An Introduction
Lecture 34 - Budget Line
Lecture 35 - Budget Line and Budget Set Some Examples
Lecture 36 - Rationality
Lecture 37 - Utility Function
Lecture 38 - Continuity
Lecture 39 - Nonsatiation
Lecture 40 - Convexity
Lecture 41 - Indifference Curve and MRS
Lecture 42 - Indifference Curve and Example
Lecture 43 - Utility More Examples
Lecture 44 - Consumer Optimization
Lecture 45 - Optimization Some Examples - I
Lecture 46 - Optimization Some Examples - II
Lecture 47 - Optimization Precaution
Lecture 48 - Optimization Economic Interpretation
Lecture 49 - Optimization Summary
Lecture 50 - Income and Price Expansion Path
Lecture 51 - Income and Substitution Effect
Lecture 52 - Income Effect and Substitution Effect (Continued...)
Lecture 53 - Expenditure Minimization
Lecture 54 - Duality
Lecture 55 - Compensated and Uncompensated Demand
Lecture 56 - DBT vs Subsidy
Lecture 57 - Producer Theory An Introduction
Lecture 58 - Types of Firm
Lecture 59 - Technology and Its Representation
Lecture 60 - Average Product and Marginal Product
Lecture 61 - An Example to Demonstrate the Relationship between AP, MP and TP
Lecture 62 - Examples of Production Function
Lecture 63 - Time Constraint and Production Function
Lecture 64 - Returns to Scale
Lecture 65 - Profit Maximization An Introduction
Lecture 66 - Profit Maximization II
Lecture 67 - Profit Maximization Short Run and Long Run
Lecture 68 - Profit Maximization (Continued...)
Lecture 69 - Cost Minimization
Lecture 70 - Cost Minimization Some Examples
Lecture 71 - Returns to Scale and Cost Minimization
Lecture 72 - Cost Minimization Long Run vs Short Run
Lecture 73 - Fixed Cost Quasi Fixed Cost and Variable Cost
Lecture 74 - Cost Curve - I
Lecture 75 - Cost Curve - II
Lecture 76 - Cost Curve - III
Lecture 77 - Cost Curve - IV
Lecture 78 - Market Structure An Introduction
Lecture 79 - Perfect Competition An Introduction
Lecture 80 - Demand Curve Facing the Firm
Lecture 81 - Supply From a Competitive Firm
Lecture 82 - Obtaining Supply Function
Lecture 83 - Profit Function And Producer's Surplus
Lecture 84 - Free Entry and Exit In Perfectly Competitive Market
Lecture 85 - Conditions for Profitability and Production in a Perfectly Competitive Market
Lecture 86 - Long Run Supply Function in a Perfectly Competitive Market
Lecture 87 - A Solved Example: Long Run Supply Function
Lecture 88 - Upward Sloping Supply Function in Long Run
Lecture 89 - Introduction to Monopoly
Lecture 90 - Reasons for Monopoly
Lecture 91 - Profit Maximization by the Monopolist
Lecture 92 - Equilibrium in Monopoly Market
Lecture 93 - A Monopolist doesn't have a supply curve
Lecture 94 - Monopoly Power
Lecture 95 - The Impact of Taxes on a Monopolist
Lecture 96 - A Monopolist with Multiplant
Lecture 97 - A Monopolist in Multimarket
Lecture 98 - Price Discrimination
Lecture 99 - First Degree Price Discrimination
Lecture 100 - Second Degree Price Discrimination
Lecture 101 - Third Degree Price Discrimination
Lecture 102 - Public Policy Towards Monopoly
Lecture 103 - Monopolistic Competition : An Introduction
Lecture 104 - Monopolistic Competition in Short Run and Long Run
Lecture 105 - Monopolistic Competition Vs Perfect Competition in Long Run
Lecture 106 - Product Differentiation
Lecture 107 - Game Theory : An Introduction
Lecture 108 - Nash Equilibrium
Lecture 109 - Matching Pennies
Lecture 110 - Extensive form Game
Lecture 111 - Game Theory Summary
Lecture 112 - Oligopoly An Introduction
Lecture 113 - Duopoly
Lecture 114 - Equilibrium in Cournot Competition
Lecture 115 - Equilibrium in Bertrand Competition
Lecture 116 - Stackelberg Competition
Lecture 117 - Collusion and Cartel
Lecture 118 - Comparison of Different Market Structures
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Introduction to Microeconomics in Hindi and without Calculus
Lecture 101 - Third Degree Price Discrimination