DIGIMAT - The HTML5 based Web Interface for Streaming 1,19,200+ NPTEL Video Lectures in OFFLINE

Simplifying the e-Learning Experience using Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired, Deaf and Learning Disability Students

Rose Luckin, a professor of learning-centered design at University College London, is quoted as saying that,

“The real power of Artificial Intelligence for Education is in the way that we can use it to process
vast amounts of data about learners, about teachers, about teaching and learning interactions.”

Ultimately, AI can “help teachers understand their students more accurately, more effectively.”

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The use of AI in Higher Education involves collecting and analyzing vast amounts of student data. In DIGIMAT
Platform, Learning Data is Captured, Processed and Analyzed using AI for better understanding the Students
"The more the Clicks the Students make, helps in understanding the Students better"

Baskar Selvaraj

Educational Technology Consultant

WhatsApp: +91-9884165649

E-mail: baskar@linuxpert.in | Twitter: @linuxbaskar

LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/linuxbaskar/

Download 'Open Learning Platform OS' @ SourceForge.net

(Moodle 4.2.1 + DSpace 8.0 + Koha 24.11.01 + Calibre 6.26)

Hello, I am Baskar Selvaraj from Chennai, India. I have been developing and maintaining the DIGIMAT website using HTML5/CSS/JavaScript since 2017 (A Responsive Web Design to support ever-expanding browser and device landscape) enhanced with Assistive Technology support, interactive controls, single page lecture view, video thumbnail preview, video lecture search, keyword search/filter (discipline wise), searching within the video lectures using keywords in Indian languages and highlight multiple occurances by timeline and support for Mobile Interface for accessing 1,19,200+ NPTEL e-Learning video lectures without any distracting ads for a focused learning.

This website receives very high traffic and regularly visited by thousands of Individuals and Institutions everyday. Educational/Research Institutions, Corporates, Industries, Government Organizations interested in setting up High Speed NPTEL Video Streaming Platform in OFFLINE can buy our DIGIMAT Learning Platform for streaming 1,19,200+ NPTEL videos using local server infrastructure without having any online distractions. For details, e-mail to baskar@linuxpert.in

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site for Focused Learning

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