Lecture 1 - Introduction to Course
Lecture 2 - Position and Orientation of a Rigid Body
Lecture 3 - Homogenous Transformation
Lecture 4 - Linear and angular velocity of rigid body
Lecture 5 - Motion of Rigid Body and Particles
Lecture 6 - Introduction to multi-body systems
Lecture 7 - Joints, Degrees of Freedom and Constraints
Lecture 8 - Position, Velocity and Acceleration in Multi-body Systems
Lecture 9 - Mass and Inertia of a Rigid Body
Lecture 10 - External forces and moments
Lecture 11 - Angular momentum, Spinning tops and Gyroscopes
Lecture 12 - Free-body diagram and Equations of motion
Lecture 13 - Newton-Euler Formulation for Serial Chains
Lecture 14 - Lagrangian Formulation
Lecture 15 - Examples of Equations of Motion
Lecture 16 - Equations of Motion Using Computer Tools
Lecture 17 - Introduction and Examples of equations of motion
Lecture 18 - Inverse dynamics and Simulations of equations Of motion
Lecture 19 - Simulation using Computer Tools
Lecture 20 - Introduction and Goal of control
Lecture 21 - State Space Formulation
Lecture 22 - Solution of State Equations
Lecture 23 - Stability of Dynamical Systems
Lecture 24 - Controllability and Observability of Linear Systems
Lecture 25 - Examples of Controllability and Observability
Lecture 26 - Introduction to Classical Control
Lecture 27 - Root Locus
Lecture 28 - Frequency Domain Approach
Lecture 29 - PID Control
Lecture 30 - Root Locus based Controller Design
Lecture 31 - State Space Design
Lecture 32 - 3 Case Studies
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Course
Lecture 2 - Position and Orientation of a Rigid Body
Lecture 3 - Homogenous Transformation
Lecture 4 - Linear and angular velocity of rigid body
Lecture 5 - Motion of Rigid Body and Particles
Lecture 6 - Introduction to multi-body systems
Lecture 7 - Joints, Degrees of Freedom and Constraints
Lecture 8 - Position, Velocity and Acceleration in Multi-body Systems
Lecture 9 - Mass and Inertia of a Rigid Body
Lecture 10 - External forces and moments
Lecture 11 - Angular momentum, Spinning tops and Gyroscopes
Lecture 12 - Free-body diagram and Equations of motion
Lecture 13 - Newton-Euler Formulation for Serial Chains
Lecture 14 - Lagrangian Formulation
Lecture 15 - Examples of Equations of Motion
Lecture 16 - Equations of Motion Using Computer Tools
Lecture 17 - Introduction and Examples of equations of motion
Lecture 18 - Inverse dynamics and Simulations of equations Of motion
Lecture 19 - Simulation using Computer Tools
Lecture 20 - Introduction and Goal of control
Lecture 21 - State Space Formulation
Lecture 22 - Solution of State Equations
Lecture 23 - Stability of Dynamical Systems
Lecture 24 - Controllability and Observability of Linear Systems
Lecture 25 - Examples of Controllability and Observability
Lecture 26 - Introduction to Classical Control
Lecture 27 - Root Locus
Lecture 28 - Frequency Domain Approach
Lecture 29 - PID Control
Lecture 30 - Root Locus based Controller Design
Lecture 31 - State Space Design
Lecture 32 - 3 Case Studies
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Course