Lecture 1 - Introduction to mechanical systems
Lecture 2 - Superposition rule, Commonly used nonlinear equations
Lecture 3 - Equilibrium points: potential function
Lecture 4 - Force and moment based Approach, Lagrange Principle
Lecture 5 - Extended Hamilton’s principle
Lecture 6 - Use of scaling and book-keeping parameter for ordering
Lecture 7 - Numerical solution, Analytical solutions: Harmonic Balance method
Lecture 8 - Straight forward expansion
Lecture 9 - Lindstd-Poincare’ method
Lecture 10 - Method of Averaging
Lecture 11 - Method of multiple scales
Lecture 12 - Method of generalized Harmonic Balance method
Lecture 13 - Free vibration of undamped and damped SDOF systems with quadratic and cubic nonlinearity
Lecture 14 - Super and sub harmonic resonance conditions
Lecture 15 - Bifurcation analysis of fixed-point response
Lecture 16 - Nonlinear system with hard excitations
Lecture 17 - Super and sub harmonic resonance conditions
Lecture 18 - Bifurcation analysis of fixed-point response
Lecture 19 - Floquet theory, Hill's infinite determinant, Resonance in parametrically excited systems
Lecture 20 - Parametrically excited pneumatic artificial muscle
Lecture 21 - Parametric instability of sandwich plate
Lecture 22 - Analysis of periodic, quasi-periodic and chaotic systems
Lecture 23 - Stability and bifurcation analysis of periodic and quasi-periodic response
Lecture 24 - Analysis of chaotic system
Lecture 25 - Numerical methods for finding roots and solutions of ODE
Lecture 26 - Time response, phase portraits, frequency response
Lecture 27 - Poincare section, FFT, Lyapunov exponent
Lecture 28 - Pasive and active vibration absorber with displacement and acceleration feedback
Lecture 29 - Active vibration absorber with time delay acceleration feedback by HBM
Lecture 30 - Application of Active vibration absorber with combination feedback
Lecture 31 - Cantilever beam with tip mass for principal parametric resonance
Lecture 32 - Cantilever beam with tip mass for combination resonance
Lecture 33 - Cantilever beam based piezoelectric based energy harvestor
Lecture 34 - Nonlinear dynamics of turning operation with delay and internal resonance
Lecture 35 - Chatter in rolling mills and dynamic analysis of artificial pneumatic muscle
Lecture 36 - Chaotic systems and control of chaos
Lecture 1 - Introduction to mechanical systems
Lecture 2 - Superposition rule, Commonly used nonlinear equations
Lecture 3 - Equilibrium points: potential function
Lecture 4 - Force and moment based Approach, Lagrange Principle
Lecture 5 - Extended Hamilton’s principle
Lecture 6 - Use of scaling and book-keeping parameter for ordering
Lecture 7 - Numerical solution, Analytical solutions: Harmonic Balance method
Lecture 8 - Straight forward expansion
Lecture 9 - Lindstd-Poincare’ method
Lecture 10 - Method of Averaging
Lecture 11 - Method of multiple scales
Lecture 12 - Method of generalized Harmonic Balance method
Lecture 13 - Free vibration of undamped and damped SDOF systems with quadratic and cubic nonlinearity
Lecture 14 - Super and sub harmonic resonance conditions
Lecture 15 - Bifurcation analysis of fixed-point response
Lecture 16 - Nonlinear system with hard excitations
Lecture 17 - Super and sub harmonic resonance conditions
Lecture 18 - Bifurcation analysis of fixed-point response
Lecture 19 - Floquet theory, Hill's infinite determinant, Resonance in parametrically excited systems
Lecture 20 - Parametrically excited pneumatic artificial muscle
Lecture 21 - Parametric instability of sandwich plate
Lecture 22 - Analysis of periodic, quasi-periodic and chaotic systems
Lecture 23 - Stability and bifurcation analysis of periodic and quasi-periodic response
Lecture 24 - Analysis of chaotic system
Lecture 25 - Numerical methods for finding roots and solutions of ODE
Lecture 26 - Time response, phase portraits, frequency response
Lecture 27 - Poincare section, FFT, Lyapunov exponent
Lecture 28 - Pasive and active vibration absorber with displacement and acceleration feedback
Lecture 29 - Active vibration absorber with time delay acceleration feedback by HBM
Lecture 30 - Application of Active vibration absorber with combination feedback
Lecture 31 - Cantilever beam with tip mass for principal parametric resonance
Lecture 32 - Cantilever beam with tip mass for combination resonance
Lecture 33 - Cantilever beam based piezoelectric based energy harvestor
Lecture 34 - Nonlinear dynamics of turning operation with delay and internal resonance
Lecture 35 - Chatter in rolling mills and dynamic analysis of artificial pneumatic muscle
Lecture 36 - Chaotic systems and control of chaos
Lecture 1 - Introduction to mechanical systems