Lecture 1 - Welcome
Lecture 2 - Elementary Mathematical Functions Used in Our Course
Lecture 3 - Schrodinger Equation: Particle in a One Dimensional Box
Lecture 4 - Particle in a One dimensional Box: Probabilities and Expectation Values
Lecture 5 - Elementary Mathematics: Introduction to Matrix Algebra - Part 1
Lecture 6 - Elementary Mathematics: Introduction to Matrix Algebra - Part 2
Lecture 7 - Elementary Mathematics: Matrix Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions - Part I
Lecture 8 - Elementary Mathematics: Matrix Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions - Part II
Lecture 9 - Particle in a Two Dimensional Box (Infinite Barrier)
Lecture 10 - Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Lecture 11 - Expectation Values and Postulates in Quantum Mechanics
Lecture 12 - Problems and Solutions for Particle in One and Two Dimensional Boxes
Lecture 13 - Linear Vector Spaces: Matrix Representations
Lecture 14 - Linear Vector Spaces and Operators: Dirac’s Bracket Notation
Lecture 15 - Simple Harmonic Oscillator: Classical Hamiltonian
Lecture 16 - Simple Harmonic Oscillator: Quantum Mechanical Solutions
Lecture 17 - Simple Harmonic Oscillator: Wave Functions, Probabilities and Average Values
Lecture 18 - Simple Harmonic Oscillator: Average Values for Position and Momentum
Lecture 19 - Particle on a Ring: The Quantum Model
Lecture 20 - Particle on a Ring: Expectation Values for Angular Momentum
Lecture 21 - Coordinate Transformation
Lecture 22 - Problems and Solutions for Harmonic Oscillator
Lecture 23 - Hydrogen Atom: The Hamiltonian in Spherical Polar Coordinates
Lecture 24 - Hydrogen Atom: Separation of the Schrödinger Equation
Lecture 25 - Hydrogen Atom: Radial and Angular Solutions and Animations - Part I
Lecture 26 - Hydrogen Atom: Radial and Angular Solutions and Animations - Part II
Lecture 27 - Hydrogen Atom: Radial Solutions and Probabilities
Lecture 28 - Power Series Method for Differential Equation - I
Lecture 29 - Hermite’s Differential Equation
Lecture 30 - Legendre and Associated Legendre Equation
Lecture 31 - Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
Lecture 32 - Introduction to Angular Momentum
Lecture 33 - Spin ½ Angular Momentum
Lecture 34 - Spin Angular Momentum and Coupling of Two Spin-1/2 Angular Momenta
Lecture 35 - Coupling of Two Angular Momenta
Lecture 36 - Video Tutorial for Hermite polynomials and hydrogen atom - Part 1
Lecture 37 - Video Tutorials - Part 2
Lecture 38 - Variational Principle in Quantum Chemistry: Linear superposition Principle
Lecture 39 - Introduction to Variational Principle in Quantum Chemistry
Lecture 40 - Variational Method: Method of Lagrange Multipliers
Lecture 41 - Hydrogen Molecule Ion: The Molecular Orbital Method
Lecture 42 - Hydrogen Molecule Ion: Calculations and Results
Lecture 43 - Hydrogen Molecule: The Valence Bond Method
Lecture 44 - Hydrogen Molecule: Calculations and Molecular Orbital Method
Lecture 45 - Video Tutorials on Angular Momentum (Orbital and Spin) and Variational Method - Part 1
Lecture 46 - Video Tutorials on Angular Momentum (Orbital and Spin) and Variational Method - Part 2
Lecture 47 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanical Perturbation Theory
Lecture 48 - First Order Time Independent perturbation Theory for Non-Degenerate states
Lecture 49 - First and Second Order Time Independent Perturbation Theory for Non-Degenerate States
Lecture 50 - First and Second Order Time Independent Perturbation Theory: Simple Examples
Lecture 51 - Time Independent Perturbation Theory for Degenerate States: First Order
Lecture 52 - General MO method for Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules
Lecture 53 - General MO method for Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules
Lecture 54 - Introduction to Hybridization and Valence Bond for Polyatomic Molecules
Lecture 55 - HÜckel Molecular Orbital Theory - I
Lecture 56 - HÜckel Molecular Orbital Theory - II
Lecture 1 - Welcome
Lecture 2 - Elementary Mathematical Functions Used in Our Course
Lecture 3 - Schrodinger Equation: Particle in a One Dimensional Box
Lecture 4 - Particle in a One dimensional Box: Probabilities and Expectation Values
Lecture 5 - Elementary Mathematics: Introduction to Matrix Algebra - Part 1
Lecture 6 - Elementary Mathematics: Introduction to Matrix Algebra - Part 2
Lecture 7 - Elementary Mathematics: Matrix Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions - Part I
Lecture 8 - Elementary Mathematics: Matrix Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions - Part II
Lecture 9 - Particle in a Two Dimensional Box (Infinite Barrier)
Lecture 10 - Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Lecture 11 - Expectation Values and Postulates in Quantum Mechanics
Lecture 12 - Problems and Solutions for Particle in One and Two Dimensional Boxes
Lecture 13 - Linear Vector Spaces: Matrix Representations
Lecture 14 - Linear Vector Spaces and Operators: Dirac’s Bracket Notation
Lecture 15 - Simple Harmonic Oscillator: Classical Hamiltonian
Lecture 16 - Simple Harmonic Oscillator: Quantum Mechanical Solutions
Lecture 17 - Simple Harmonic Oscillator: Wave Functions, Probabilities and Average Values
Lecture 18 - Simple Harmonic Oscillator: Average Values for Position and Momentum
Lecture 19 - Particle on a Ring: The Quantum Model
Lecture 20 - Particle on a Ring: Expectation Values for Angular Momentum
Lecture 21 - Coordinate Transformation
Lecture 22 - Problems and Solutions for Harmonic Oscillator
Lecture 23 - Hydrogen Atom: The Hamiltonian in Spherical Polar Coordinates
Lecture 24 - Hydrogen Atom: Separation of the Schrödinger Equation
Lecture 25 - Hydrogen Atom: Radial and Angular Solutions and Animations - Part I
Lecture 26 - Hydrogen Atom: Radial and Angular Solutions and Animations - Part II
Lecture 27 - Hydrogen Atom: Radial Solutions and Probabilities
Lecture 28 - Power Series Method for Differential Equation - I
Lecture 29 - Hermite’s Differential Equation
Lecture 30 - Legendre and Associated Legendre Equation
Lecture 31 - Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
Lecture 32 - Introduction to Angular Momentum
Lecture 33 - Spin ½ Angular Momentum
Lecture 34 - Spin Angular Momentum and Coupling of Two Spin-1/2 Angular Momenta
Lecture 35 - Coupling of Two Angular Momenta
Lecture 36 - Video Tutorial for Hermite polynomials and hydrogen atom - Part 1
Lecture 37 - Video Tutorials - Part 2
Lecture 38 - Variational Principle in Quantum Chemistry: Linear superposition Principle
Lecture 39 - Introduction to Variational Principle in Quantum Chemistry
Lecture 40 - Variational Method: Method of Lagrange Multipliers
Lecture 41 - Hydrogen Molecule Ion: The Molecular Orbital Method
Lecture 42 - Hydrogen Molecule Ion: Calculations and Results
Lecture 43 - Hydrogen Molecule: The Valence Bond Method
Lecture 44 - Hydrogen Molecule: Calculations and Molecular Orbital Method
Lecture 45 - Video Tutorials on Angular Momentum (Orbital and Spin) and Variational Method - Part 1
Lecture 46 - Video Tutorials on Angular Momentum (Orbital and Spin) and Variational Method - Part 2
Lecture 47 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanical Perturbation Theory
Lecture 48 - First Order Time Independent perturbation Theory for Non-Degenerate states
Lecture 49 - First and Second Order Time Independent Perturbation Theory for Non-Degenerate States
Lecture 50 - First and Second Order Time Independent Perturbation Theory: Simple Examples
Lecture 51 - Time Independent Perturbation Theory for Degenerate States: First Order
Lecture 52 - General MO method for Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules
Lecture 53 - General MO method for Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules
Lecture 54 - Introduction to Hybridization and Valence Bond for Polyatomic Molecules
Lecture 55 - HÜckel Molecular Orbital Theory - I
Lecture 56 - HÜckel Molecular Orbital Theory - II
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Chemistry: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
Lecture 1 - Welcome