Lecture 1 - Motivation for CFD and Introduction to the CFD approach
Lecture 2 - Illustration of the CFD approach through a worked out example
Lecture 3 - Eulerian approach, Conservation Equation, Derivation of Mass Conservation Equation and Statement of the momentum conservation equation
Lecture 4 - Forces acting on a control volume; Stress tensor; Derivation of the momentum conservation equation ; Closure problem; Deformation of a fluid element in fluid flow
Lecture 5 - Kinematics of deformation in fluid flow; Stress vs strain rate relation; Derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations
Lecture 6 - Equations governing flow of incompressible flow; Initial and boundary conditions; Wellposedness of a fluid flow problem
Lecture 7 - Equations for some simple cases; Generic scalar transport equation form of the governing equations; Outline of the approach to the solution of the N-S equations.
Lecture 8 - cut out the first 30s; Spatial discretization of a simple flow domain; Taylor’s series expansion and the basis of finite difference approximation of a derivative; Central and one-sided difference approximations; Order of accuracy of finite difference ap
Lecture 9 - Finite difference approximation of pth order of accuracy for qth order derivative; cross -derivatives; Examples of high order accurate formulae for several derivatives
Lecture 10 - One -sided high order accurate approximations; Explicit and implicit formulations for the time derivatives
Lecture 11 - Numerical solution of the unsteady advection equation using different finite difference approximations
Lecture 12 - Need for analysis of a discretization scheme; Concepts of consistency, stability and convergence and the equivalence theorem of Lax ; Analysis for consistency
Lecture 13 - Statement of the stability problem; von Neumann stability analysis of the first order wave equation
Lecture 14 - Consistency and stability analysis of the unsteady diffusion equation; Analysis for two- and three -dimensional cases; Stability of implicit schemes
Lecture 15 - Interpretation of the stability condition; Stability analysis of the generic scalar equation and the concept of upwinding ; Diffusive and dissipative errors in numerical solution; Introduction to the concept of TVD schemes
Lecture 16 - Template for the generic scalar transport equation and its extension to the solution of Navier-Stokes equa tions for a compressible flow.
Lecture 17 - Illustration of application of the template using the MacCormack scheme for a three-dimensional compressible flow
Lecture 18 - Stability limits of MacCormack scheme; Limitations in extending compressible flow schemes to incompre ssible flows ; Difficulty of evaluation of pressure in incompressible flows and listing of various approaches
Lecture 19 - Artificial compressibility method and the streamfunction-vorticity method for the solution of NS equations and their limitations
Lecture 20 - Pressur e equation method for the solution of NS equations
Lecture 21 - Pressure-correction approach to the solution of NS equations on a staggered grid; SIMPLE and its family of methods
Lecture 22 - Need for effici ent solution of linear algebraic equations; Classification of approaches for the solution of linear algebraic equations.
Lecture 23 - Direct methods for linear algebraic equations; Gaussian elimination method
Lecture 24 - Gauss-Jordan method; LU decomposition method; TDMA and Thomas algorithm
Lecture 25 - Basic iterative methods for linear algebraic equations: Description of point -Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SOR methods
Lecture 26 - Convergence analysis of basic iterative schemes; Diagonal dominance condition for convergence; Influence of source terms on the diagonal dominance condition; Rate of convergence
Lecture 27 - Application to the Laplace equation
Lecture 28 - Advanced iterative methods: Alternating Direction Implicit Method; Operator splitting
Lecture 29 - Advanced iterative methods; Strongly Implicit Proc edure; Conjugate gradient method; Multigrid method
Lecture 30 - Illustration of the Multigrid method for the Laplace equation
Lecture 31 - Overview of the approach of numerical solution of NS equations for simple domains; Introduction to complexity arising from physics and geometry
Lecture 32 - Derivation of the energy conservation equation
Lecture 33 - Derivation of the species conservation equation; dealing with chemical reactions
Lecture 34 - Turbulence; Characteri stics of turbulent flow; Dealing with fluctuations and the concept of time-averaging
Lecture 35 - Derivation of the Reynolds -averaged Navier -Stokes equations; identification of the closure problem of turbulence; Boussinesq hypothesis and eddy viscosity
Lecture 36 - Reynol ds stresses in turbulent flow; Time and length scales of turbulence; Energy cascade; Mixing length model for eddy viscosity
Lecture 37 - One-equation model for turbulent flow
Lecture 38 - Two -equation model for turbulent flow; Numerical calculation of turbulent reacting flows
Lecture 39 - Calculation of near-wall region in turbulent flow; wall function approach; near-wall turbulence models
Lecture 40 - Need for special methods for dealing with irregular flow geometry; Outline of the Body-fitted grid approach ; Coordinate transformation to a general, 3-D curvilinear system
Lecture 41 - Transformation of the governing equations; Illustration for the Laplace equation; Appearance and significance of cross -derivative terms; Concepts of structured and unstructured grids.
Lecture 42 - Finite vol ume method for complicated flow domain; Illustration for the case of flow through a duct of triangular cross -section.
Lecture 43 - Finite volume method for the general case
Lecture 44 - Generation of a structured grid for irregular flow domain; Algebraic methods; Elliptic grid generation method
Lecture 45 - Unstructured grid generation; Domain nodalization; Advancing front method for triangulation
Lecture 46 - Delaunay triangulation method for unstructured grid generation
Lecture 47 - Co -located grid approach for irregular geometries; Pressure correction equation for a co -located structured grid; Pressure correction equation for a co-located unstructured grid.
Lecture 1 - Motivation for CFD and Introduction to the CFD approach
Lecture 2 - Illustration of the CFD approach through a worked out example
Lecture 3 - Eulerian approach, Conservation Equation, Derivation of Mass Conservation Equation and Statement of the momentum conservation equation
Lecture 4 - Forces acting on a control volume; Stress tensor; Derivation of the momentum conservation equation ; Closure problem; Deformation of a fluid element in fluid flow
Lecture 5 - Kinematics of deformation in fluid flow; Stress vs strain rate relation; Derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations
Lecture 6 - Equations governing flow of incompressible flow; Initial and boundary conditions; Wellposedness of a fluid flow problem
Lecture 7 - Equations for some simple cases; Generic scalar transport equation form of the governing equations; Outline of the approach to the solution of the N-S equations.
Lecture 8 - cut out the first 30s; Spatial discretization of a simple flow domain; Taylor’s series expansion and the basis of finite difference approximation of a derivative; Central and one-sided difference approximations; Order of accuracy of finite difference ap
Lecture 9 - Finite difference approximation of pth order of accuracy for qth order derivative; cross -derivatives; Examples of high order accurate formulae for several derivatives
Lecture 10 - One -sided high order accurate approximations; Explicit and implicit formulations for the time derivatives
Lecture 11 - Numerical solution of the unsteady advection equation using different finite difference approximations
Lecture 12 - Need for analysis of a discretization scheme; Concepts of consistency, stability and convergence and the equivalence theorem of Lax ; Analysis for consistency
Lecture 13 - Statement of the stability problem; von Neumann stability analysis of the first order wave equation
Lecture 14 - Consistency and stability analysis of the unsteady diffusion equation; Analysis for two- and three -dimensional cases; Stability of implicit schemes
Lecture 15 - Interpretation of the stability condition; Stability analysis of the generic scalar equation and the concept of upwinding ; Diffusive and dissipative errors in numerical solution; Introduction to the concept of TVD schemes
Lecture 16 - Template for the generic scalar transport equation and its extension to the solution of Navier-Stokes equa tions for a compressible flow.
Lecture 17 - Illustration of application of the template using the MacCormack scheme for a three-dimensional compressible flow
Lecture 18 - Stability limits of MacCormack scheme; Limitations in extending compressible flow schemes to incompre ssible flows ; Difficulty of evaluation of pressure in incompressible flows and listing of various approaches
Lecture 19 - Artificial compressibility method and the streamfunction-vorticity method for the solution of NS equations and their limitations
Lecture 20 - Pressur e equation method for the solution of NS equations
Lecture 21 - Pressure-correction approach to the solution of NS equations on a staggered grid; SIMPLE and its family of methods
Lecture 22 - Need for effici ent solution of linear algebraic equations; Classification of approaches for the solution of linear algebraic equations.
Lecture 23 - Direct methods for linear algebraic equations; Gaussian elimination method
Lecture 24 - Gauss-Jordan method; LU decomposition method; TDMA and Thomas algorithm
Lecture 25 - Basic iterative methods for linear algebraic equations: Description of point -Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SOR methods
Lecture 26 - Convergence analysis of basic iterative schemes; Diagonal dominance condition for convergence; Influence of source terms on the diagonal dominance condition; Rate of convergence
Lecture 27 - Application to the Laplace equation
Lecture 28 - Advanced iterative methods: Alternating Direction Implicit Method; Operator splitting
Lecture 29 - Advanced iterative methods; Strongly Implicit Proc edure; Conjugate gradient method; Multigrid method
Lecture 30 - Illustration of the Multigrid method for the Laplace equation
Lecture 31 - Overview of the approach of numerical solution of NS equations for simple domains; Introduction to complexity arising from physics and geometry
Lecture 32 - Derivation of the energy conservation equation
Lecture 33 - Derivation of the species conservation equation; dealing with chemical reactions
Lecture 34 - Turbulence; Characteri stics of turbulent flow; Dealing with fluctuations and the concept of time-averaging
Lecture 35 - Derivation of the Reynolds -averaged Navier -Stokes equations; identification of the closure problem of turbulence; Boussinesq hypothesis and eddy viscosity
Lecture 36 - Reynol ds stresses in turbulent flow; Time and length scales of turbulence; Energy cascade; Mixing length model for eddy viscosity
Lecture 37 - One-equation model for turbulent flow
Lecture 38 - Two -equation model for turbulent flow; Numerical calculation of turbulent reacting flows
Lecture 39 - Calculation of near-wall region in turbulent flow; wall function approach; near-wall turbulence models
Lecture 40 - Need for special methods for dealing with irregular flow geometry; Outline of the Body-fitted grid approach ; Coordinate transformation to a general, 3-D curvilinear system
Lecture 41 - Transformation of the governing equations; Illustration for the Laplace equation; Appearance and significance of cross -derivative terms; Concepts of structured and unstructured grids.
Lecture 42 - Finite vol ume method for complicated flow domain; Illustration for the case of flow through a duct of triangular cross -section.
Lecture 43 - Finite volume method for the general case
Lecture 44 - Generation of a structured grid for irregular flow domain; Algebraic methods; Elliptic grid generation method
Lecture 45 - Unstructured grid generation; Domain nodalization; Advancing front method for triangulation
Lecture 46 - Delaunay triangulation method for unstructured grid generation
Lecture 47 - Co -located grid approach for irregular geometries; Pressure correction equation for a co -located structured grid; Pressure correction equation for a co-located unstructured grid.
NPTEL Video Course : Computational Fluid Dynamics
Lecture 1 - Motivation for CFD and Introduction to the CFD approach